Powerful Risk On Rally Benefitting Gold and Silver Explorers In 2012

Those on the sidelines in cash and treasuries, playing risk off are in fact playing a risky game as inflation appears to be the flavor of the day. Look for technical breakouts in gold, silver, copper, uranium and rare earths as they all appear to be reversing higher as the moving averages transition upward. The risk off trade in Treasuries and the U.S. dollar appears to be losing momentum and dangerously teetering on a decline.
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Uranium and Rare Earths Leading Market Rebound

As we predicted, our uranium and rare earth selections are amongst the leaders during this market rebound. Their underlying fundamentals are strong enough on their own to propel this move. In addition, the shorts may be running for cover here. Lastly, the supply demand equation may be taking hold.
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Rare Earths Breaking Downtrend To The Upside

This is why we continue to explore the development of rare earths and resist being seduced by the daily marketplace which tends to confuse, misdirect and obfuscate. This brings us to today, the rare earths are breaking out of bases.
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Silver Breaks Downtrend, Junior Miners Outperforming Majors

On January 3, 2012 I wrote to my readers that silver would begin outperforming gold similar to what we saw in 2010. On Friday we saw a major gain in silver of close to 5%, breaking the 50 day moving average for the first time since the Operation Twist decline in September. This was an attempt by the Federal Reserve to manipulate commodity prices lower while artificially inflating U.S. dollars and bonds. It appears that this temporary fix may be reversing to the benefit of undervalued junior miners of both precious and industrial metals.
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Why Uranium Miners Are Soaring In 2012

Uranium miners are soaring on better than expected numbers from the uranium giants such as Uranium One and Denison. For many weeks we were calling for a major rebound. In this radio show we explain why nuclear is here to stay. Stay tuned to future live shows with
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