Germany must understand that a modern industrial nation must utilize nuclear power to satisfy its energy needs.
Also watch the recent video interview discussing an interesting small gold explorer in Alaska and Nevada, Corvus Gold (TSX:KOR or OTCQF:CORVF).
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Downward Move In Gold And Silver Should Be Short Lived
The sharp downward move in gold and silver bullion should only be interim. There will still be market uncertainty, the travails of the PIIGS, possible credit downgrades and the influx of mad money into the irrationally, uncertain havens of long term treasuries and the U.S. dollar in a purported flight to safety. The benighted lemmings jumping into the supposed safety net of treasuries are buying still more treasuries as they go over the cliff!
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Beware Of Debt Bubble, Hedge With Gold and Silver Miners
t does not take a prophet to have foreseen the turbulence in the global marketplace that we have witnessed since the expiration of QE2. Standard and Poor’s cut the rating one level from AAA to AA+. This action sent shockwaves reverberating throughout the financial world as irrational investors sought U.S. treasuries for liquidity.
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Snapback Rally In Metals and Miners?
Gold Stock Trades sees a snapback occurring imminently. Do not be confused by the machinations of the Wall St. institutions in their age old process as they steer the small investor away from situations which they themselves are picking up at bargain basement prices.
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Healthy Correction In Precious Metals Brings Opportunity
Historically, bear markets end and bull markets begin in the fourth quarter. To those summer soldiers considering throwing in the towel, this may be a time for reconsideration.
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Time To Reenter Gold?
Right now, gold(GLD) has achieved our long awaited pullback to the $1600+ area. Our firm recommended taking partial profits in a percentage of our holdings in gold before this pullback. It appears to be a prudent move as we witnessed a short term decline. Now may be a more propitious time to reenter at oversold conditions and after a healthy correction.
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