For many months now I have related to my subscribers that the pro capitalist movement in Chile was growing stronger and that a rally could begin in the Chilean junior miners as the country turns more pro-busines. I highlighted for close to a year now that maybe Argentina was getting a bit overpriced and we should look at Chile for the critical lithium supplies.
Over the weekend the runoff election was announced and my forecast of Chile turning pro business was spot on. Conservative candidate Pinera won by a huge margin pledging to rebuild the economy and open up the country to foreign investment. He won more votes than any other president indicating the people of Chile want the economy to rebound.
Pinera is known to be pro mining in a country which is the world's leader of clean energy metals specifically copper and lithium. He wants to cut bureaucracy and regulations which has bogged down development projects as he wants to grow the country economically. As you can see Chile has been in decline for years and the people want a pro-mining change.
Chile was weighed down by socialist policies for several years similar to Argentina before the Macri election. A few years ago when investors abandoned Argentina I was one of the few that encouraged Western Lithium to takeover Lithium Americas for pennies as I also believed Argentina would turn. As we all know Macri was elected and Lithium Americas went from pennies per share to dollars per share.
A similar possibility exists with the advanced lithium miners in Chile as I expect business to pick up quickly now with the new president who is a Harvard trained economist introducing credit cards to Chile back in the 80's. Pinera has a mission to turn Chile into South America's economic powerhouse and the way he may do that is with clean energy and using his vast resources of copper and lithium to generate huge amounts of capital which can be reinvested into infrastructure and education.
What is the next Lithium Americas of Chile? For many months I have been highlighting Bearing Lithium $BRZ.V $BRGRF which has a stake in the #maricungaproject one of the highest grade lithium brines in the world and the only pre production project in Chile. Chile is already well known to host some of the best lithium brines in the world including the Atacama which produces over 40% of global lithium supply.
The project has a huge high grade lithium resource. Bearing $BRZ.V $BRGRF has a free carry on expenses through Feasibility which is expected in the first half of next year. Already the Koreans through POSCO own a bunch of Bearing but I expect the Chinese or other nations to come in and try to pick up Bearing's stake for possibly a huge premium not that the pro-lithium president has been elected.
For more information on the Chilean Election and its impact on Bearing Lithium $BRZ.V $BRGRF you can contact the CEO for any questions or concerns.
Jeremy Poirier (President & CEO)
Phone: + 1 604 262 8835 ex101
Address: 1400 - 1111 West Georgia Street. Vancouver, BC, Canada V6E 4M3
Disclosure: I own securities in this company. They are a website sponsor which means I have a conflict of interest and am biased as I would benefit if the share prices goes up in value. Please do your own due diligence as I am not a financial advisor. This contains forward looking statements which may not come to fruition as mining is risky and investors can lose all their money. I may buy or sell shares at any time without notice. This is based on public information and management conversations but there may be inaccuracies or errors so make sure you do your own due diligence. This should be considered an advertisement and not financial advice.
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