Liquidity Crisis Intensifies Mining Stock Sell-off

Any thoughts of a bubble in precious metals is not pertinent at this time.  As long as mining stocks are not in favor then any thoughts of a bubble are not applicable in the current situation.  Mining stocks should be soaring in tandem with their brothers in bullion.  Such is not the case.  Miners are trading far below general market valuation. In past history during a bubble, mining stocks soared to hundreds of dollars a share at the same time as bullion.

Wealth in the ground represents an open ended warrant on mining potential.  Mines can grow, new ore bodies can be found, while bullion has no such potential open ended expansibility.

Gold mining stocks(GDX) are incredibly cheap at $1500 gold(GLD).  Before the credit crisis in March of 2008 as gold hit $1000 an ounce, miners (GDX) hit its all time high of $55.  Now three years later gold is 50% higher, yet the miners have barely been able to breakout of the $55 range.  Yamana (AUY) and Kinross (KGC) Gold are two majors that have been significantly underperforming gold over the past three years and are not near their pre credit price levels in 2008.  These stocks have not provided any leverage to the price of gold to their shareholders.  Investors are sticking to the bullion etf’s and are disinterested in the miners.  This lack of interest in this sector signals we still have some way to go in this precious metals bull market.

The gold miners should be trading higher if they kept pace with the rise in the bullion.  The standard deviation between miners and gold bullion has never been so great.  It is at times such as these that investors can benefit from this apparent discrepancy.

Currently mining stocks have corrected because of apprehension regarding the possible exit from QE2 and growing difficulties for miners worldwide.   Investors who were burned during the 2008 credit crisis are concerned about a repetition of such an occurrence and its effect on a potential counter trend rally in the U.S. dollar (UUP) and long term treasuries (TLT).  Small mining companies (GDXJ) depend on a readily available line of credit.  Investors fear if the flow of capital were to be shut off as had been their experience in the past, their ability to operate might be impaired.

This may represent a buying opportunity for investors in small miners(GDXJ).  Miners represent assets in the ground whereas etf’s such as GLD and SLV may have a built in weakness in the actual physical gold and silver they are holding.  If called upon to produce the actual bullion, they might not be able to do so.  This would favor mining stocks which represent actual wealth in the ground.

There may be an implicit weakness in the very nature of a strictly bullion etf.  Simply put a large quantity of bullion may not be able to be produced on demand.  Do not be surprised if the bullion etf’s find themselves unable to meet the demands of the marketplace.

In such cases, the miners would once again come into favor as the investment vehicle of choice.  At present there is a deviation between bullion and assets in the ground.  Investors may be reluctant to hold paper in such a climate of fear and uncertainty.  There are presently astute wealthy investors who have sold some of their bullion to purchase mining stocks.

Again note that many miners are presently languishing while bullion etf’s struts across the financial stage.  This anomaly may not last much longer.  Presently mining stocks are going through a major firesale, while bullion commands center stage.

In the markets, it is prudent to expect the unexpected.  That is why we should seize the opportunity to buy straw hats in winter.  Such an opportunity may be upon us now as bullion etf’s may stumble in the future.

The gold mining etf (GDX) may be making a critical turn in the low 50’s as it has broken through trend support.  The technical conditions are even more oversold than the reversal lows in January 2011, July 2010 and February of 2010.  A move above the trendline and moving averages may turn out to be a very powerful buy signal and signal the current correction is over.  Careful monitoring of the uptrend is required.

Stay tuned to my daily updates for free.

0 Responses

  1. [...] occurring right now-The dreaded death crosses are being transmuted into euphoric crosses of gold. For the past four months, an eagle eye has been kept on the number $52.50 on the gold mining equities(GDX). That was the line [...]
  2. [...] occurring right now-The dreaded death crosses are being transmuted into euphoric crosses of gold. For the past four months, an eagle eye has been kept on the number $52.50 on the gold mining equities(GDX). That was the line [...]
  3. [...] For the past four months, an eagle eye has been kept on the number $52.50 on the gold mining equities (GDX). That was the line in the sand that we drew for our subscribers. It represented the technical juncture of key support levels, which can be referred to continuously in our published archives. That line held. The basing process is being completed at this very moment. [...]
  4. [...] For many weeks $52.50 was our line in the sand.  That has held and I would like to review this chart as a precaution to those who panic out at exactly the wrong times.  Notice on the chart the weekly inverted hammer which occurred at that critical area, the second week of June.  Weekly inverted hammers are common around bottoms of corrections as it indicates a large number of speculators who began shorting as GDX tested and made a fake breakdown penetrating momentarily 2011 lows. At that time many were calling an end to the precious metals market and began shorting as it momentarily broke support.  However, we saw a trap…many were caught.  Short covering rallies morph into authentic breakouts as the long term trend followers return after the 200 day is regained on excellent volume.  Some of the major miners such as Goldcorp (GG), Newmont (NEM) and Barrick(ABX) exhibit the powerful technical and fundamental characteristics of potential precious metal leaders. The weekly long term downtrend in the U.S. dollar (UUP) is intact as it threatens reaching new lows.  Through the first half of 2010, we were dealing with Euro Debt concerns and the run up last summer in the U.S. dollar showed it still maintained a safe haven status.  Conversely in 2011, we have had a confluence of black swans globally especially with the Euro (FXE) and the U.S. dollar is not catching a bid and is still hovering around record lows. We are seeing parabolic moves in gold (GLD) and silver (SLV) in 2011 as more investors realize the validity of precious metals as a safe haven.  Soon investors will realize miners are sitting on assets increasing in value, which have not yet been reflected in their share price.    Stay tuned to my daily bulletin for timely updates. Disclosure: Long GLD,SLV,GDXRos Jeb Handwerger View all posts by Jeb Handwerger s website [...]
  5. [...] For many weeks $52.50 was our line in the sand.  That has held and I would like to review this chart as a precaution to those who panic out at exactly the wrong times.  Notice on the chart the weekly inverted hammer which occurred at that critical area, the second week of June.  Weekly inverted hammers are common around bottoms of corrections as it indicates a large number of speculators who began shorting as GDX tested and made a fake breakdown penetrating momentarily 2011 lows. At that time many were calling an end to the precious metals market and began shorting as it momentarily broke support.  However, we saw a trap…many were caught.  Short covering rallies morph into authentic breakouts as the long term trend followers return after the 200 day is regained on excellent volume.  Some of the major miners such as Goldcorp (GG), Newmont (NEM) and Barrick(ABX) exhibit the powerful technical and fundamental characteristics of potential precious metal leaders. The weekly long term downtrend in the U.S. dollar (UUP) is intact as it threatens reaching new lows.  Through the first half of 2010, we were dealing with Euro Debt concerns and the run up last summer in the U.S. dollar showed it still maintained a safe haven status.  Conversely in 2011, we have had a confluence of black swans globally especially with the Euro (FXE) and the U.S. dollar is not catching a bid and is still hovering around record lows. We are seeing parabolic moves in gold (GLD) and silver (SLV) in 2011 as more investors realize the validity of precious metals as a safe haven.  Soon investors will realize miners are sitting on assets increasing in value, which have not yet been reflected in their share price.    Stay tuned to my daily bulletin for timely updates. Disclosure: Long GLD,SLV,GDXRos [...]
  6. [...] For many weeks $52.50 was our line in the sand. That has held. I would like to review this chart as a precaution to those who panic out at exactly the wrong times. Notice on the chart the weekly inverted hammer which occurred at that critical area, the second week of June. Weekly inverted hammers are common around bottoms of corrections as it indicates a large number of speculators who began shorting as GDX tested and made a fake breakdown, momentarily penetrating 2011 lows. [...]
  7. [...] For many weeks $52.50 was our line in the sand. That has held. I would like to review this chart as a precaution to those who panic out at exactly the wrong times. Notice on the chart the weekly inverted hammer which occurred at that critical area, the second week of June. Weekly inverted hammers are common around bottoms of corrections as it indicates a large number of speculators who began shorting as GDX tested and made a fake breakdown, momentarily penetrating 2011 lows. [...]
  8. [...] For many weeks $52.50 was our line in the sand. That has held. I would like to review this chart as a precaution to those who panic out at exactly the wrong times. Notice on the chart the weekly inverted hammer which occurred at that critical area, the second week of June. Weekly inverted hammers are common around bottoms of corrections as it indicates a large number of speculators who began shorting as GDX tested and made a fake breakdown, momentarily penetrating 2011 lows. [...]
  9. [...] Six weeks ago, I became aware of a major divergence between the miners and the underlying metal. This juncture represented a buying opportunity. On July 13, 2011 Barron’s wrote that my firm was a solitary voice in indicating that miners would outperform gold bullion, saying “…One contrarian to that view is Jeb Handwerger, editor of Gold Stock Trades. He points to technicals that favor miners, although he remains bullish on prospects for both types of precious metals ETFs.” [...]
  10. [...] Six weeks ago, I became aware of a major divergence between the miners and the underlying metal. This juncture represented a buying opportunity. On July 13, 2011 Barron’s wrote that my firm was a solitary voice in indicating that miners would outperform gold bullion, saying “…One contrarian to that view is Jeb Handwerger, editor of Gold Stock Trades. He points to technicals that favor miners, although he remains bullish on prospects for both types of precious metals ETFs.” [...]
  11. [...] media hype. The risk off trade may boost mergers and acquisition activity in the mining sector.   Six weeks ago, I became aware of a major divergence between the miners and the underlying metal. This juncture [...]
  12. [...] media hype. The risk off trade may boost mergers and acquisition activity in the mining sector.   Six weeks ago, I became aware of a major divergence between the miners and the underlying metal. This juncture [...]
  13. [...] Marden, a long time associate and chart logger in Nevada, sent me this report about the decline of major and minor mining stocks since April 1 or so. Chartists say [...]

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